At Matiere School, we understand the importance of high-quality and effective curriculum planning, delivery, assessment and reflection.  Combined, they hold the key to unlocking the talents of each Matiere student.

We want our students to leave Matiere as proud lifelong learners who present themselves well in all situations by showing respect, resilience, and taking ownership in all of the choices and decisions that they make.

We are committed to delivering programmes of high quality and high interest. To cater for each student's specific needs and talents, individual learning programmes are developed in reading, writing and maths.  Learning is managed through achievable specific learning intentions, which students help to co-construct.

Students feel successful at each stage of their learning which enhances motivation and heightens personal responsibility. Students are able to discuss what they are learning and are actively involved in the assessment process, including self and peer assessment.

Understanding their strengths and next learning steps is a key component of their programme.

At Matiere School, we provide students with new experiences and opportunities through learning programmes, class trips and overnight camps.  We encourage students to ask questions and seek and critically evaluate information using various techniques from various sources.

We embrace students as a whole and ensure they know who they are and where they have come from.  We encourage our community, staff and children to approach learning as a whanau or team, under the philosophy that learning is a partnership between the school and home and that everyone has a role to play in developing Matiere Students.